Can We Please Come up With Another Name for ‘Secret Sauce’

It‘s no longer a secret and it sounds… well, gross

Pamela Hazelton


Hand holding a platter of mango slices. Another hand is dipping the slice into a bowl of sauce.
Photo by zilvergolf — licensed via Freepik premium

I love words. I adore the English language and embrace the notion that we can break the rules so long as it aligns with our branded voice. But there’s a problem with some modern phrases: they’re inaccurate and sometimes gross.



Pamela Hazelton

Avid writer, marketer & business consultant. // Reward yourself a little every day. 🆆🅾🆁🅺 + 🅻🅸🅵🅴 🅱🅰🅻🅰🅽🅲🅴