I was initially responding specifically to this:
"The difference between unvaccinated Covid patients in ICU and someone with, say, lung cancer in ICU is that the lung cancer patient didn't spend the last 18 months viciously ridiculing and sometimes physically assaulting people who were trying to remain cancer-free."
It falls in line with many stories shaming the unvaccinated as a whole. Not to mention it assumes someone in the hospital for a different reason is not part of the problem. It's all assumption.
Despite the comment above using the word "many" in the following sentence, the bold statement upfront is that one group is the root of issues, despite plenty of us lacking the ability to communicate in a civil manner. I miss the mark on that front sometimes, too.
Some people are painting the unvaccinated bullies as being a majority, when they likely aren't. Where I live, and where I've traveled over the past two years, I've not witnessed personally a single instance of rants or violence over masks or vaccines. I know it happens, but I'm curous exactly how much, because the vast amount of headlines and stories are that it's rampant.