Member-only story
Orange Christmas
The treasure of an always little girl
The memory forever burned in my mind,
Overshadows the rest of the day.
A little girl just stirred out of bed,
To the living room, she makes her way.
The presents are plentiful,
Under the tree brightly lit.
She crawls around them,
Tries to cheat just a bit.
Her sister reminds her to wait,
For Mom and Dad out of bed.
“You can open your stocking,” she says,
To the girl who blushes so red.
She skips to the dining table, pulls out the chair,
Climbs up on the seat.
“Which one is mine?” she excitedly yells.
Licking her lips for tasty treats.
Her sister slides one her way, taking one for herself,
The girl pays her no more mind.
She reaches inside, closing her eyes.
Whatever will she find?
Some lip balm, some candy, a miniature game,
A necklace that’s shiny like gold.
A toothbrush and floss. She shakes her head,
Looks outside where it’s blistering cold.